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1822 SW Madison Street, Suite 222
Portland, OR, 97205
United States

2020 Recent Customers.JPG

More Recent New Projects -2018 to 2020

 HVAC and DDC system upgrade evaluations including:

OFFICES (Compass Commercial in Bend Oregon, Harbor Square NW and SW in Portland OR, Red Oak Square, Bend OR, Ochoco Forest HQ, Prineville OR, Murrayhill Professional Offices, Beaverton OR, Amberglenn 1400, Hillsboro OR), Crook County Finance Office, Prineville OR

HOSPITALS AND MEDICAL OFFICES (Good Sam Medical Center, Portland OR, Legacy NW offices, Portland OR, Willamette Ear Nose and Throat, Salem OR, Wallowa Memorial Hospital, Enterprise OR),

CHURCHES (People’s Church, Salem OR, Mannahouse Church, Portland OR), COURTHOUSES (Umatilla County Courthouse, Pendelton OR, Crook County Courthouse, Prineville OR),

SCHOOLS (Parkrose High School, Portland, OR, Whitford Middle School, Beaverton OR, St Rose Church and School, Portland OR, Lake Oswego School District (5 Elementary Schools), Lake Oswego OR.

MISCELLANEOUS - Oregon Humane Society, Portland OR, Dosier Hotel, Portland OR, Market Place Fresh Foods - Grocery Store (including heat recovery), Joseph OR., Crook County Fairgrounds and Library, Prineville OR

Retro-Commissioning and DDC Upgrades including:

OFFICES (Gresham City Hall, Gresham OR, Felton Properties - Macadam Place Office, Portland OR, Felton Properties - Cascade Office, Portland OR,

SCHOOLS - St Francis Church and School, Bend OR,