Privacy Policy
Your Rights Under the GDPR. If You are a citizen or a resident of a country in the European Union, the GDPR grants You the following rights:a. Access to Your Personal Data. You have the right to receive a copy of Your personal data that is subject to processing by Blended Tribes. Ordinary requests will be granted without charge to You within one calendar month of when You make the request. In cases of excessive, unreasonable, or repeated requests Blended Tribes may charge You a reasonable fee and may require additional time to grant Your request. Also, Blended Tribes may use reasonable means to confirm Your identity before granting any request for data so as to prevent granting fraudulent requests. To request a copy of Your personal data, please contact us by e-mail at support@Blended b. To have Your Data Corrected. If Your personal data is erroneous or outdated, You have the right to have it corrected. To do so, please contact Blended Tribes via e-mail at compliance@Blended, or simply log in to Your account at https://app.Blended To be Forgotten. You have the right to be forgotten by Blended Tribes. You may exercise this right by e-mailing us at compliance@Blended We will comply with Your request, at no charge to You, within one calendar month by deleting Your account, along with all of Your personally-identifiable data that is subject to any Blended Tribes processing. Naturally, after we grant Your request You will not have access to any Blended Tribes products or services unless and until You open a new Blended Tribes account. Blended Tribes may use reasonable means to confirm Your identity before granting any request for data so as to prevent the granting of fraudulent requests.d. To Restrict Processing of Your Data. You can request that Your data not be processed via Blended Tribes partners. You can make that request by e-mailing us at compliance@Blended and, if you wish, you can even specify which third parties to restrict from processing Your data. We will respond to Your request, at no charge to You, within thirty (30) days from when You make Your request. Please be advised that some of our partners, e.g., Stripe, are essential to Blended Tribes services, so that if You block processing by them, Blended Tribes’ services may be unavailable to You.e. Portability. You have the right to receive a copy of Your personal data that is subject to processing by Blended Tribes in a portable format, or to have it transferred directly from Blended Tribes to another party. Ordinary requests will be granted without charge to You within one calendar month of when You make the request. Blended Tribes may use reasonable means to confirm Your identity before granting any request to transfer data to You or another party so as to prevent granting fraudulent requests. To request a copy of Your personal data in a portable format, or to request a direct transfer of Your data, please contact us by e-mail at support@Blended Your Responsibility Under GDPR. If You are a Blended Tribes User, then that probably means You are a business owner, using the Blended Tribes software to sell goods and services to Your customers. With respect to the customer data that You provide to Blended Tribes, Blended Tribes is a data processor and will comply with its obligations under the GDPR; but with respect to Your customers, You are probably a data controller, and if any of Your customers is a citizen or a resident of a country in the European Union, then You must ensure that You comply with Your obligations as a data controller under the GDPR; namely, You must ensure that You afford Your Customers the rights identified in section (a) above. Blended Tribes sells software; it does not provide legal advice or legal services, nor does it sell a “done-for-you” GDPR compliance package. Please consult legal counsel of Your own choosing for advice on what You need to do to comply with GDPR.XIV. Our Company wide Commitment to Your Privacy. To make sure Your personal information is secure, we communicate our privacy and security guidelines to Blended Tribes employees and strictly enforce privacy safeguards within the company.XV. Privacy Questions. If You have any questions or concerns about Blended Tribes’ Privacy Policy or data processing or if You would like to make a complaint about a possible breach of local privacy laws, please contact us at